We are the Children’s Ministry at St Marks Berowra.
“God loved the people of this world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who has faith in him will have eternal life and never really die.” John 3:16
The aim of all our programs is to see kids and families know this truth personally and to put their trust in Jesus – but to have a stack of fun while we do that!
We have a Facebook Group for our families with videos, resources and the latest updates in Kids Church news. Click the Icon below and join.

The creche cares for 0 to 2 year-olds while their parents take part in the service.
Creche is run by volunteers from the service and we ask that parents please take turns on the creche roster where possible.For directions to creche please speak to the welcomers at the door at the start of church.

Frog’s is for preschoolers (2 to 5 year-olds), which presently meets in Meeting Room 1 (next to the kitchen).
For more details contact:
Kylie Dunn (FROGs coordinator)
9456 6370

Oasis is our infants & primary group for Kindy- Year 5.
The Oasis programs introduce the key Bible messages with a blend of stories, games, music and small group discussion and prayer. For more details contact:
Ellyce McKirdy (Children’s & Families Minister) 9456 4498.