E3 Youth Group

Who is E3 for?
High schoolers
(and year 6 from term 3)

When is E3?
7pm-9pm Friday Nights
During School Term

Food and Cost?
E3 is free on normal nights at the church.
Special events and outings have varied costs

5 July is Farm Night – cost $5
Due to rainy weather and wet ground we have decided relocate to the church. 18 Berowra waters road.


No permission note is needed.
We’re still having a bbq dinner!

What’s E3 about?

The most important thing we do at Youth Group is learn about Jesus and help young people grow in their faith. We want to do that in the most fun and exciting way possible. We hang out, play some awesome games, listen to talks from the bible and think about it in small groups, pray for each other and go on great outings. We run awesome camps too.

Youth group is on Friday nights during public school term time on site at St Marks.

Big Camp

Imagine hanging out with friends, playing loads of awesome games, singing, eating food, hearing the bible read and taught, getting some sleep and keeping warm by the campfire.

We are transitioning our Big Camp to January in 2025 so will be doing a Mini Camp in September school holidays this year.

Our ‘Mini Camp’ this year is the last weekend of Term 3 before the school holidays, 20-22nd September.

In January 2025 we will have our 5 day Big Camp We often see our young people shaped by God for the rest of their lives on Big Camp 22-26 January 2025.

It is always a great time away together and we encourage all our youth to come. Registrations will open for our camps later this year

Covid stuff

In line with current government recommendations each person takes individual responsibility for their health at youth group.

Year 6?

We invite year 6 to join us during term 3 each year. This helps them get to know each other and build great friendships before beginning high school. The first night you can come is July 26th. If you’re in year 6 come along and invite your friends!


While all our services are great, we encourage our youth to attend 6pm Evening Church. This service is more informal and is aimed at those 13 and up, whether teen, young adult or older, with contemporary music and strong Bible teaching!