We are committed to making St Mark’s a safe place for children, young people and other vulnerable people.

We are committed to the Diocesan standards, and government requirements, for conducting safe ministry.

If you have any questions at all regarding Safe Ministry, or need to report any matter, please contact our Safe Ministry Representative – Steven Dodd on 0430 122 919; or Ian Millican our Senior Minister on 9456 4498.


In order to appropriately show Christ’s love to all vulnerable people our Diocese requires us to have completed their Safe Ministry training.

Accordingly – if you are, or are wanting to be, involved in any of our children or youth ministries (including creche, Sunday morning children’s ministries, KidsGames, FAB, GFS, SMBG, Kids Club, SRE, child-minding, Club Reg, E3, music ministry, Parish Council, Wardens, etc) you MUST have done the relevant Safe Ministry training. This applies equally to both adults (16 or over) and youth (under 16) who want to be involved in such ministries.

There are 3 parts to the Safe Ministry training:

a) Safe Ministry course – now available online through the Professional Standards Unit of the Diocese – https://safeministry.org.au/

A Refresher course must be completed every 3 years, once you have done the Full Course.  The Full course is for those 16 years and over.  The Junior course is for those under 16 years.

If you are new to our church, and you have completed the safe ministry course elsewhere, we need to see your certificate if you want to be involved in any of our ministries.

b) Working With Children Check 

For all those who are/want to be:

– involved in ministry to children or young people;

– a Bible Study leader

– a service leader / preacher

– a Warden

– on Parish Council.

Please – visit this website, complete the online form, print and take to the RMS.  You will be emailed a WWCC number which you will need to forward to the church office, along with your full name and date of birth. There is no cost for these Checks for those who are volunteers in the church. Your WWCC number is also then transferrable if you engage in children or youth activities elsewhere .

c) Safe Ministry Check (new in 2020) – again, which can be done online. Visit – https://safeministry.org.au/volunteer-smc/