In Term 3 we are looking at the Sermon on the Mount from Matthew 5-7. You can read the whole thing here.

Most recent talks are at the top of this page.

Matthew 5:43-48 Love Your Enemies (6 Aug 2021)

Read Matthew 5:43-48
• Did you have any questions about the talk or passage?
• Why does Jesus tell us to love our enemies? Why is it really important that we do this?
• What are some ways you have shown or can show love to your enemies?
• Without naming names, what are some circumstances where you have found it hard to know how to love an enemy?
• Extra Question: What sort of things have you prayed for your enemies? What can you pray for your enemies?
• That we would love our enemies and seek their good
• That God would help us know how to love our enemies in every situation
• For your enemies – that God would care for them, provide for them and bring them to know him and his love.

Matthew 5:21-26 Dealing with Anger (30 July 2021)

• Did you have any questions about the talk or passage?
• Why does Jesus tell us not to be angry and to reconcile?
• When are times that you find yourself angry with others and find it hard to forgive them or restore relationships?
• What are some things you can do or remember so you do not get angry with others? (think of really practical things)
• That God would make us more like Him in our character and our actions
• That we would not get angry at others.
• That we would always seek to reconcile and forgive others.

Matthew 5:13-16 Salt and Light (23 July 2021)

• Did you have any questions about the talk or passage?
• Why did Jesus call us salt and light? (what does it mean to be salt and light?)
• Do you feel like you are salt and light to others? Why/why not? How do you know if you are salt and light to others?
• What are some good examples of salt and light that you’ve seen?
• What are some ways you can be salt and light this week? (Try to think of really practical things)
• That we would be salt and light.
• Pray for people that you particularly want to see and know Gods love.